Mar 10, 2021
Everyone has a few life rules that shape how they act, interact and react. One of my personal rules is that I wait 24 hours before making any big decisions or purchases. This can be very hard in a world with so much available instant gratification. I look back on some of the biggest decisions I’ve made and am thankful for this rule. I can think of a few big mistakes I would have made had I acted impulsively.
I take this guideline and apply it to our workplace. Patients, coworkers and even faceless companies can push our buttons. Emotional decisions can have real consequences. Hopefully you don’t have to make huge ones too often but if you do, consider waiting 24 hours for clarity.
Also! Grab this Ebook that is completely free for you. 50+ pages of knowledge, checklists and job descriptions. Enjoy!
Click here for the Prepare Protect Prosper eBook
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