Mar 24, 2021
The post-COVID state of collections may surprise you - it’s better than I thought. Andy Cleveland is my guest and is known as the Dental Practice Ninja (hi-ya!). We chatted about collections protocols, small claims court and when to write off balances. Have you ever wondered if you should forgive a balance when a patient dies? What about if you run into a collections patient outside of the office? I always love talking about money and so does he. I hope this episode is helpful!
Full show notes on the podcast home page!
Don’t forget to check out my other podcast Chew on This - A Dental Podcast!
Also! Grab this Ebook that is completely free for you. 50+ pages of knowledge, checklists and job descriptions. Enjoy!
Click here for the Prepare Protect Prosper eBook
Andy’s Info
Website: Andy Cleveland’s Dental Practice Ninja Website
LinkedIn: Andy Grover Cleveland - Patient Accounts Receivable Specialist - Business Consultant
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